Registration is closed for this event



Included in the Seder to go:

Seder Plate items-Bone, Egg, Horseradish, Lettuce, Vegetablead Haroset
Choice of wine or grape juice
3 Shmurah Matzot
Passover Dinner-Gefilte Fish, Salads, Baked Chicken, Vegetable Medley and Roasted Potatos, Dessert 

Cost per Seder is just $70,  For a couple just $130 (includes one seder package and 2 meals to go)

April 22nd, 2024 12:00 AM
Event Fee(s)
I would like to Order
1 Seder to go $75.00
2 Seder to go $140.00
3 Seder to go $200.00
4 Seder to go $255.00
5 Seder to go $310.00
I would like
Grape Juice
Additional Fish (Salmon) $12.00
Additional Items Available
Additional grape juice bottle 64 oz $12.00
Kosher dry wine $20.00
Pound of Shmura Matzah $25.00
I would like my seder to go to be
Picked Up $0.00
Delivered to Monterey/Pacific Grove $35.00
Delivered to Carmel $45.00
I would like to add an additional donation to help Chabad cover Pesach expenses